среда, 20 февраля 2019 г.


And the Pumpkin Winners Are... :: Final Fantasy XI :: ZAM


You can use the word Verweigerer in other ways in German as well. There is a whole section on German insults in Memrise that you can access and study the insults while you are on the go. The feminine form is Speichelleckerin. While Hurentochter would be the daughter of a bitch. Wondering how to pronounce arschgeige? Speichellecker — literally: saliva licker. I've learned a few so far, but I was wondering which one are used the most.



Pissflitsche — literally: squeegee for cleaning the piss as in from the floors of public toilets. Support from Plus members keep Dotabuff running and help enable us to deliver new features for everyone. Insults are known as beleidigungen in German. Germans use this word as an insult to mean a wimp or a wuss, a quitter, a pansy, a coward. Consider keeping a notepad handy when you watch videos in German.

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Language learners, don't actually use facebook as a verb. Germans have a number of synonyms for this, including: Duckmãuser, Kriecher, Lakai, Schmeichler, Schleimer, Schleimscheißer, and Steigbügelhalter. German insults are extra fun to learn because they often come from compound words. Kotzbrocken — literally: lump of puke. Finde das Bild mit der Frage am welchen Tag wurde es gemalt? You would use this to mean a contemptible person.

German Idioms : germany


The next four insults can apply to either men or women, because the noun is a metaphor rather than a person. Now that you are armed with 15 German insults, the next question is where will you use them? One of the greatest things about German is the rich vocabulary these compound words create. The feminine form is Bananenbiegerin. Additionally, Plus members never see any advertisements! But Schwanz is also a common word used in German for cock. Arschkriecher — literally: ass crawler, brown noser, ass kisser.

German Idioms : germany


Hosenscheisser — literally: trouser-shitter — coward, loser. Take a look at her video on YouTube. The feminine form is Hundetochter, daughter of a dog. Rotzlöffel — literally: snot-spoon — brat 12. Katia is another German YouTuber.

And the Pumpkin Winners Are... :: Final Fantasy XI :: ZAM


It seems inevitable that people who want to know the and insults as soon as possible. . The YouTuber SamWaltonMan teaches you about how to insult people in German and seeks comments from native German speakers to confirm what he has observed as an American living in Germany. Any suggestions are appreciated, thanks! In the end, the was able to deal a deadly Throat Stab to the infamous , stealing victory right from under the rhyming wizardess's nose! Schlappschwanz — literally: relaxed non energetic tail. Ich facebooke, ich facebookte, ich habe gefacebookt. The feminine form is Hosenscheisserin.

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We hope to see even more participation in next year's contest! I've been learning German at my university and German pubs as well and I was wondering what some phrases used by younger people are that I can't learn in school. Some of the German insults apply to both men and women, such as Arschegeige. The stunning pumpkin, , which used a combination of shading, etching, and carving, came in third place. Also written as Hosenscheißer in Germany. It was a tight race and a hard choice with so many talented entries in this year's Pumpkin Carving Contest Top 25 finalists! Congratulations to Alobont of Quetzalcoatl for a great entry! You can hear the pronunciation.

German Idioms : germany


This is another way to say Arschkriecher, which you learned earlier. So a Schlappschwanz would literally mean a limp cock. Tratschtante — literally: gossip-aunt — blabbermouth, rumourmonger, gossipmonger. In spite of looking deceptively simple, they often totally change the tone or even the meaning of a sentence. Kotzbrocken applies in both the masculine and feminine.

And the Pumpkin Winners Are... :: Final Fantasy XI :: ZAM


Erbsenzähler — literally: pea counter — somebody who complains about any little thing, somebody who pays attention to meaningless details, somebody who nitpicks, The feminine form is Erbenzählerin. Read on for more details! Pissnelke — literally: piss-carnation — nerd 11. Ready to use these nouns in compound German words? Those nouns include: puke, squeegees, carnations, and spoons. Answer: it wouldn't be because new verbs are regular. Examples such as Schadenfreude and Doppelgänger come to mind.

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Congratulations to Efiel of Bahamut for snagging the grand prize of a Shadow Lord statue and to Lahurah of Seraph for coming in a close second! He suggested the Germans should have a word for the way we feel some sense of panic when we wonder where our cell phone is. You can also help others by leaving comments for people who are learning your native language. Stinkstiefel — literally: smelly boot — grouch. Concarneau liegt in der Bretagne, direkt an der Atlantik-Küste. You could use this insult to refer to an unpleasant and disgusting person. Sennes Partnerstadt ist Concarneau Frankreich Seit 1969 besteht die Partnerschaft zwischen dem Bielefelder Stadtbezirk Senne und der französischen Stadt Concarneau. The feminine form is Gehirnverweigererin.

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